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This is probably one of the best concepts I've seen. As far as I'm aware, games meant for the blind and visually impaired are an unexplored market, and you've certainly made something special. If I even have any constructive criticism at all, even as a musician myself, DANG IT'S HARD XD. The jump from three notes to the whole orchestra was- painful... I'd love to see a slower buildup of difficulty in a full release :).

Thanks a lot! :D

Accessibility is one of the parts of game design we're most interested in, so I'm very glad you found it to be a highlight.

And yeah, out of the people I've seen play our game, none of them have managed to climb the steep learning curve. I wanted to showcase the full range of possible difficulties within the few levels we had time to make in two weeks, but we could have definitely handled it a bit better. We're definitely planning a much slower buildup and more learning support in later versions! :D

-- Mymo

Thank you for the lovely comment!

It certainly is kind of an untreaded path, unfortunately, and it feels long overdue. Also, in a way it opens up ways for a fresh air in gaming for people with or without sight alike. 

It certainly felt special to create, so I'm glad that carried through.

And thanks for the constructive criticism, that's really appreciated! I think Mymo once told me the currently second song was meant to be like the fifth one in the full release, hope that puts it into perspective.

-- Kris


This is a lovely game! I had a great time listening to the ambience and the voice acting! It's an amazing gem that I'm glad I found!
I've never really been musically inclined, but it was great fun to give it a go here! Even if I did "Let go a little early" every single time...

I was only able to play the first day, since the blindfold I was using began to irritate my eyes, and it wasn't the same experience reading the text.

You guys did a great job with this! I'd love to see it get played by more people, it's great! Absolutely love it! I wish you guys the best!


Thank you! 

I'm really glad you enjoyed it, and thank you for the kind words! They're really heartwarming to hear. 

-- Mymo

Thanks, Jack!

I'm stoked you liked the audio side of things, I am so proud about how that worked out.

And yeah, experiences like yours is one of the main things I had in mind while working on the game. Music can be complicated to get into, and find confidence in. So it was my hope for this to also be a safe stepping stone for anyone, musician or not. Admittedly the later days have a very big jump in difficulty at the moment due to the time pressure to finish the project, but yeah. That's the vision!

Also, seeing people really go for it and play the game while blindfolded is so amazing. Hell yeah. Let's cross the border from a game to an experience.

Your comment made my day, really. Thank you for the support! The best to you as well!

-- Kris